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Cloud Essential

Utilizing AWS: Unveiling its Significance

The instructors shed light on the essential role of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and its profound importance. They narrated compelling stories to underscore the significance of embracing cloud computing, emphasizing two key aspects:

1. Disaster Recovery

The instructors highlighted how AWS serves as a robust platform for disaster recovery, enabling businesses to swiftly recover and resume operations in the face of unforeseen disruptions.

2. Temporary Jobs Across the Web

They shared anecdotes illustrating how AWS facilitates the execution of temporary tasks on the web efficiently, demonstrating its flexibility and scalability.

Unveiling EC2: An Overview

In the exploration of Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), the instructors provided a foundational introduction:

Naming of EC2 Instances

The session delved into the nomenclature and identification of EC2 instances, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the basic components.

Dedicated Instances vs. Hosts: Decoding the Distinctions

The discussion extended to the nuances between dedicated instances and hosts, highlighting key differentiators:

1. Dedicated Instances

  • Changes Servers on Reboot
  • Retains UUID and Configuration, ensuring consistency even after restarts

2. Host Instances

  • Maintains server identity across reboots
  • UUID and configuration persist, ensuring a seamless and stable hosting environment

Reserved EC2 Instances: Unraveling the Changes

The instructors clarified the status of reserved EC2 instances, noting that they are no longer available, replaced by a discounted membership program, providing enhanced cost benefits.

Cloud Computing

Ally learned that instead of using computers at home or work, you can use "cloud computing". This means using computers somewhere else called "the cloud".

In the cloud there are lots of computers called "servers" that you can use. You don't have to wait a long time for new computers or pay for computers you are not using. You only pay for what you use!

Virtual Machines

In the cloud there are "virtual machines". These are like pretend computers that act like real computers but are not real. Each virtual machine has its own pretend operating system like Windows or MacOS.

You can make as many virtual machines as you want and they can be turned off and on quickly. This is better than using real computers which take a long time to turn on and off.


Containers are like virtual machines but even better. They only have your apps and things your apps need, without a whole operating system. This makes them faster to start than virtual machines.

Containers also make it easy for developers to move their apps from their computers to real computers without problems.

AWS Services

AWS has lots of cloud computing services like:

  • EC2 for virtual machines
  • ECS and EKS to organize containers
  • S3 for storage
  • DynamoDB for databases
  • Lambda for running code briefly

You only pay for what you use of each service, like paying per second for Lambda. This is better than buying your own computers.

Tips for the Test

  • Read the question carefully
  • Answer based on what's asked
  • Know when to use ECS vs EKS for containers
  • Pick the simplest option unless told otherwise

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Building Isolated Environments

In the discussion about VPC, the instructors elucidated the concept of creating isolated environments within AWS:

  • Secure Isolation: VPCs enable the creation of private and secure networks, allowing businesses to control communication and access within their cloud infrastructure.

  • Customization: Users can tailor VPCs to their specific needs, defining IP address ranges, subnets, and configuring route tables to suit their organizational requirements.

IP Addresses: Navigating the Digital Landscape

The session transitioned to understanding IP addresses within the AWS ecosystem:

  • Resource Identification: IP addresses play a pivotal role in uniquely identifying resources within a VPC, facilitating seamless communication between instances.

  • Elastic IPs: Instructors explained the flexibility of Elastic IP addresses, allowing users to associate a static IP with their instances, ensuring consistent accessibility.

Load Balancer: Distributing Workloads Effectively

The discussion then shifted to the significance of Load Balancers in optimizing performance:

  • Even Workload Distribution: Load Balancers efficiently distribute incoming traffic across multiple instances, promoting load balancing and preventing overload on specific resources.

  • Enhanced Availability: By distributing traffic across various instances, Load Balancers contribute to increased availability and fault tolerance within the system.

Direct Connect: Establishing Dedicated Connections

Instructors introduced the concept of Direct Connect as a means of establishing dedicated connections to AWS:

  • Private Network Connection: Direct Connect provides a private, dedicated connection between an organization's on-premises data center and AWS, enhancing data transfer security and reliability.

  • Predictable Performance: With a dedicated connection, organizations can achieve more predictable network performance compared to internet-based connections.

VPN (Virtual Private Network): Securing Communication Channels

The session concluded with insights into VPNs as a mechanism for securing communication channels:

  • Encrypted Communication: VPNs ensure secure and encrypted communication between on-premises networks and AWS, safeguarding sensitive data during transit.

  • Cost-Effective Connectivity: VPNs offer a cost-effective solution for establishing secure connections, especially for businesses with varying workloads and communication needs.